Monday, December 10, 2007

Cost of one day in the ER room !

Costly Vacation:

My sister in law from overseas was visiting us here in Palo Alto , CA (Home of Stanford University) , about 35 miles south of San Francisco.

To make the story short she fell sick one day (She suffers from Migraines and was feeling some heart arrhythmia) about 8 am . We call 911 and the Ambulance with the Firetruck came in. They took her to the Stanford Hospital Emergency Room, which is about three miles from our condo.

So she was medicated, had some exams taken and stayed overnight (About 24 hrs total). She went home two days later (I strongly recommended her to watch Michael Moore's movie "Sicko" in her country).

Today we received an email from her with her hospital bill:

About $22,000 for one day at Stanford Hospital


3 miles Ambulance (Palo Alto Fire Dept) = $1, 175

Total = $ 23, 175 !!!! (Twenty - three thousand dollars)

I really do not know how she is going to pay for this bill !!!

The only solution for the US HeathCare Crisis is to have an Universal Free HealthCare Program like Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil, etc